Friday, August 24, 2012

Another lost sheep

Another mural is lost to the renovations at Good Shepherd. Though a mural of the above image that I painted in the Good Shepherd Youth Center a few years back was supposed to be preserved, word never got to the painters as they finished the classroom renovations.  I am sad to report that the mural is no more, painters covered it about a week ago.

Unlike the mural above the Youth Ministry bulletin board (see previous post) I did not take pictures – because it was not supposed to be removed.  The original digital design for our Youth Ministry T-shirts are the closest approximation to it.

On another note, I started a facebook page for the for my Pictorial Prayer to help promote my art.  Please like the page if you can. You can visit the facebook page here, and my galleries on here

Don't forget to visit my booth at this year's International Festival at Good Shepherd. Please keep me in your prayers and may God bless you!